Saturday, September 26, 2009

Welcome to Get Fresh Daily

Fresh: adjective, -er, -est, noun, verb, adverb
1. newly made or obtained: fresh footprints.
2. recently arrived; just come: fresh from school.
3. new; not previously known, met with, etc.; novel: to uncover fresh facts; to seek fresh experiences.
4. additional or further: fresh supplies.
5. not salty, as water.
6. retaining the original properties unimpaired; not stale or spoiled: Is the milk still fresh?
7. not preserved by freezing, canning, pickling, salting, drying, etc.: fresh vegetables.
8. not tired or fatigued; brisk; vigorous: She was still fresh after that long walk.
9. not faded, worn, obliterated, etc.: fresh paint; a fresh appearance.
10. looking youthful and healthy: a fresh beauty that we all admired.
11. pure, cool, or refreshing, as air.
12. denoting a young wine, esp. a white or rosé, that is clean, crisp, and uncomplicated.
13. Meteorology. (of wind) moderately strong or brisk.
14. inexperienced; green; callow: Two hundred fresh recruits arrived at the training camp.
15. Informal. forward or presumptuous.
16. (of a cow) having recently given birth to a calf.
17. Slang. a. exciting; appealing; great.
b. informed; up-to-date.

Whatever Definition U Feel Is Most Appropriate. This is Simply A Collection of the Things That We Consider to Be Fresh.
"Getting Fresh was only the Beginning! Welcome to Get Fresh Daily!"

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